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Gretchen Wilsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Country Singer Gretchen Wilson email success!!! - 2011年11月7日
Sent email: Sometime in Aug Rec: 11/1/11 Email from website http://www.gretchenwilson.com Sent an email to her asking for an autograph for my sons and was SUPER surprised when I recived the envelope from her. She had included an autograph for my sons, my wife and myself! Very cool! - - - - envelope -

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Gretchen Wilson email SUCCESS - 2011年10月31日
Sent: I sent email to Gretchen Wilson on 26 July 2011 Address ussed: { Email Address } Received: 31 October 2011 Signed photo with dedication photo+envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40 ... lsonm.jpg/ All coments are welcome

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Gretchen Wilson Success - 2011年10月25日
Sent Email via her official webpage http://www.gretchenwilson.com/ PHOTOS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/28111763 at N05/6279835201/in/photostream ENVELOPE: http://i.imgur.com/j0jJ2.jpg

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Gretchen Wilson Success! - 2011年7月29日
Sent: A Email Last Week to the club27 email address Received: 5x7 photo with dedication Today Envelope: Photo: [i(She's So nice, thanks to the one who posted a success from her before! )[/i Thanks Gretchen & Fanmail!

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Gretchen Wilson E-mail Success - 2011年7月25日
Sent 7-8-11 Received 7-25-11 Personalized 8 x 10 E-mail used- Gw at bubbleup.net Return address GW Club 27 PO Box 708 Lebanon, TN 37088 Sorry, no envelope. -

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