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Guido Maria Kretschmerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Guido Maria Kretschmer succsess - 2014年12月13日
I sent LOR 1 photo and SASE (29th November) and recived one signed card back (13th December) address: AB Glanz Entertainment GmbH Neuer Pferdemarkt 1 20359 Hamburg Germany https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autograp ... 2072839914 Feel free to like my page <img src=

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Guido Maria Kretschmer success - 2013年10月18日
Hey i send a LOR and SASE on October 8th, 2013 to this adress: Guido Maria Kretschmer VOX Shopping Quees Autogramm Guido Maria Kretschmer 50570 Köln Germany get it back on October 18th, 2013 autograph and envelope:

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Guido Maria Kretschmer success! (VOX Shopping Queen) - 2013年9月28日
Received a great success from Guido Maria Kretschmer. I love his show "Shopping Queen" and his comments <img src= Sent: 21st August 2013, LOR, SASE Received: 26th November 2013 Adress used: Guido Maria Kretschmer VOX Shopping Queen Autogramm Guido Maria Kretschmer 50570 Köln Germany As you can see I was very enthusiastic with opening the envelope <img src= Sparkly ?

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