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Hailee Steinfeldの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Hailee Steinfeld - 2011年8月7日
Sent sase, letter photo feb 15,2011 rec aug 6, 2011 - Hailee Steinfeld Protege Entertainment 710 E. Angeleno Ave. Burbank, CA 91501

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Hailee Steinfeld success! (: [True Grit] - 2011年7月23日
I SCREAMED when I saw this in my mailbox!!!!!! I ran as quick as I could to open it! Yesterday I received my SASE back from the FABULOUS Hailee Steinfeld from True Grit!!! <img src= Shes so talented and I love her! Address used: Hailee Steinfeld Protégé Entertainment 710 E. Angeleno Avenue Burbank, CA 91501 USA Sent: June 6, 2011 - SASE, letter, drawings Received: July 22, 1011 - A personalized signed photo of Hailee in True Grit <img src= in my SASE! She even added some postage and a piece of cardboard so it didnt bend! It worked! <3 Photo: - God bless you! THANK YOU FANMAIL! <img src=

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Hailee Steinfeld Success (True Grit Actress) - 2011年7月23日
Hi, I sent Hailee to this address: Hailee Steinfeld Protege Entertainment 710 E. Angeleno Ave. Burbank, CA 91501 on June 21st, 2011 and received it July 22nd, 2011 I sent a LOR, SASE, and two photos. She personalized one and signed the other. She wrote a lovely inscription and she seems so sweet. I really liked her performance in "True Grit" and I think she is going to be a big actress when shes older. <img src= You may want to send her now before shes too famous. lol <img src= Thanks Fanmail.biz! <img src= P.S. ANY IDEA IF THEY ARE AUTHENTIC? I believe they are but I would love to hear some other opinions. - -

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Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) Success - 2011年6月17日
Sent on 4-29-11 Received on 6-16-11 I sent her a letter, photo and a SASE to the address below. Protege Entertainment 710 E. Angeleno Ave. Burbank, CA 91501 -

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