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Haley Joel Osmentの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Haley Joel Osment (unexpected 2nd success) - 2015年10月10日
I've got an unexpected second autograph from Haley Joel Osment sometime in September 6-12. I know for a fact that my request must have been way back in 2008. I can't be sure if it is the address that is currently in the database or an older address that I can't remember. My first success from Haley was also back in 2008 and it is a via venue success. I sent him two pictures and he signed them which are of himself and of Sora from the Kingdom Hearts video game series. This is just crazy because after all those years when I sent that first request before he was at a venue, he just decided to respond. I am grateful but all I wanted was just one success from any celebrity. And I was really hoping for a success from a celebrity I want so badly like Sylvester Stallone. I hope you like the pictures.

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