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Hardcore Pawnの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Les Gold success (Hardcore Pawn) - 2018年8月2日
I sent a LOR and autograph request to Les Gold who is in charge of American Jewelry and Loan and appears on Hardcore Pawn Sent : N/A Received : 8-2-18 Address used : Les Gold C/O Hardcore Pawn/ American Jewelry & Loan 20450 Greenfield Rd, Detroit, MI 48235 Link : http://surfmypictures.com/image/74c0eb9 ... 5cf9e.html

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Hardcore Pawn success - 2015年5月30日
Les and Seth Gold sent a LOR with SASE of a picture of my and my wife with them and they signed it. No personalization but still pretty cool. Sent 5/19/15 received 5/30/15

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Hardcore Pawn super fast success - 2012年8月23日
Around August 4th i sent the cast a picture with all 3,letter and sase to the pawn shop address. on august 10th i got my picture signed and personalized from all three.

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Hardcore Pawn pretty fast success - 2012年8月17日
hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well. last monday i sent a LOR, SASE, and 2 pics to the folks of "Hardcore Pawn" 1 of Seth Les and ashley and 1 of Rich. this past tuesday i returned home to have the gang from hardcore pawn. i got one of my photos signd by Les, Ashley and Seth. and then Rich Also sighend my photos as well. i really like this show and i thought it would really cool. i am very happy with this success and it brings some varity to my collection as well. i used the address in this data base. thanks again fanmail <img src= YOU rock! Best wishes Sean Sjazz here are the pics enjoy, and these are the 1st pics with my new way of doing my photos. Im getting better at this. <img src= - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-16 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-16 and the envelope: - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-16

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Hardcore Pawn Success - 2012年8月3日
Hey guys! I got this yesterday and Im so happy because Im a big fan of the show. I used the address in the database. Heres the link to my website: http://tatesautographs.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=161886847 - Ill post the envelope when I get home ! <img src=

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