Hayley Atwellの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 9ページ):
Hayley Atwell success - 2012年3月31日 -
Sent: 22/Feb/2012
LOR, SASE, and 2 photos of Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Used the address on database here:
Hayley Atwell
Hamilton Hodell
5th Floor
66-68 Margaret Street
London W1W 8SR
Received my photos signed and 1 extra photo today: 31/Mar/2012
Oh, god!
I am so happy!
She is soooo beautiful and very kind!
I love her!!!!
Thanks a lot to dear Hayley Atwell and her staff.
Thx to fanmail.biz and all ppl who shared their experiences here. |
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Hayley Atwell Success! - 2012年3月21日 Got this today and very happy and she included her own picture also signed.
Sent on: About 12th February 2012
Sent: LOR, Captain America A4 poster, SASE
Address Used: One in database
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Hayley Atwell success - 2012年2月18日 Im having bad week, but this really cheared me up. I loved Hayley in The Pillars of the Earth (Aliena was my second favourite character) and in The Duchess, Ive also seen her in Captain America. I was surprised how quick I got it back. She didnt return one of my photos and sent me her photo, but I dont mind, I think its better photo than that one I sent.
16th January 2012 sent LOR, SASE and two photos
16th February 2012 got one of my photos + her photo signed
Hayley Atwell
Hamilton Hodell
5th Floor
66-68 Margaret Street
London W1W 8SR
Photo I sent:
Photo she sent:
http://www.imagebam.com/image/fb8afe175421540 | |
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Hayley Atwell - Success - 2012年1月23日 Sent: 04/01/2012 3 photos, LOR & SASE
Rec.: 23/01/2012 one of my photos and one provided by her
Used this address:
Hayley Atwell
Hamilton Hodell
5th Floor
66-68 Margaret Street
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hayley atwell - 2011年11月22日 on 26-10-2011 i send a lor, a sase and two pic two halley atwell
i recived back on 15-11-2011
i used the adress in the database
very happy with it
she was great in captain america
photo´s and envelop
http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4628 ... 167qdq.jpg | |
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