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Heather Locklearの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Heather Locklear... - 2012年8月25日
Heather Locklear, <img src= actress, “Swamp Thing”, “Spin City”, “Melrose Place”. Sent: 8/10/12, Rec: 8/23/12,…. 13 days. Sent LOR, 1 Photo (4x6) SASE to: Heather Locklear <img src= Brillstein-Grey Entertainment 9150 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 [us<!-- s[us --> 

Got back my photo signed in my SASE <!-- s<img src= --><img src= . Thanks Fanmail.biz and Ms. Locklear! <img src= <img src= - -

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Heather Locklear success x2 - 2012年8月23日
Today I got back 2 different pictures personalized from the address 9150 Wishire Blvd. suite 350 Beverly Hills Ca. 90212. I sent out on7/27/12 received back 8/23/12. scanner down but working on it. Will post asap they are beautiful...

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Heather Locklear success - 2012年6月28日
Got my custom card back signed. Mailed 10/18/11..Recv.6/28/12 Mailed to:Brillstein Entertainment Partners 9150 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 -

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Heather Locklear Success - 2011年12月10日
Sent 4/30/11 Rcvd 12/5/11 Sent a LOR, SASE and 2 photos to Ms. Locklear using address found her in database. Received both photos back signed in silver sharpie earlier this week. Just now getting my computer back to get my TTM success posted. Photo 1:http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/hlocklear1.jpg/ - Photo 2: - Envelope: - Address used: Heather Locklear c/o Brillstein-Grey Entertainment 9150 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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heather locklear success (3 year wait!) - 2011年12月3日
sent: ?? (i couldnt find the send date, but it was at least 3 years ago!) recd: 12.2.11 used address in db http://www.freewebs.com/nathansautos/ap ... =144040917 no envelope

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