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Hector Lopezの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Hector Lopez Baseball - 2019年10月22日
Héctor Headley López Swainson (born July 8, 1929) is a former left fielder and third baseman in Major League Baseball who played for the Kansas City Athletics and New York Yankees from 1955 to 1966. He is notable as the first black manager at the Triple-A baseball level, as the third outfielder on the Maris/Mantle Yankees, and as the Kansas City Athletics franchise hitting streak record holder. López was on World Series Championship teams for the Yankees in 1961 and 1962. In various seasons, he finished among the top 10 American League hitters in hits, runs batted in, runs scored, doubles, triples, slugging percentage, sacrifice flies, sacrifice hits, games played, times hit by pitch and at bats. Kansas City Athletics (1955–1959) New York Yankees (1959–1966) Sent him 2 photos on 8 Oct and got them back signed on 22 Oct. Mr Hector Lopez 14115 Faldo Ct. Hudson, FL 34667

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Hector lopez success - 2017年10月31日
I wrote to hector lopez like a week ago today I got a signed card I used 14115 Faldo Ct Hudson, FL 34667-8540

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Hector Lopez Baseball - 2016年6月10日
Héctor Headley López Swainson (born July 9, 1929 (possibly April 8, 1932)) is a former left fielder and third baseman in Major League Baseball who played for the Kansas City Athletics and New York Yankees from 1955 to 1966. He is notable as the first black manager at the AAA baseball level, as the third outfielder on the Maris/Mantle Yankees, and as the Kansas City Athletics franchise hitting streak record holder. López was on World Series Championship teams for the Yankees in 1961 and 1962. In various seasons, he finished among the top 10 American League hitters in hits, runs batted in, runs scored, doubles, triples, slugging percentage, sacrifice flies, sacrifice hits, games played, times hit by pitch and at bats. He was also known for his hustle, his clutch hitting and poor fielding. Kansas City Athletics (1955–1959) New York Yankees (1959–1966) Sent him 2 cards on 28 May and got them both back signed on 9 Jun. Mr Hector Lopez 14115 Faldo Ct. Hudson, FL 34667

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Hector Lopez SUCCESS! - 2014年8月14日
Sent letter and SASE received signed card today! Address Mr. Hector Lopez 14115 Faldo Ct Hudson, FL 34667 -

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