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Heidi Rangeの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Heidi Range Success, Singer - 2014年5月7日
Heute Neu: Heidi Range (EX-Sängerin Atomic Kitten und Sugababes) c/o Crown Talent & Media Group, Matrix Studio Complex, 91 Peterborough Road, London SW6 3BU. ENGLAND 1 OAK, 2 mitgeschickte Fotos unsigniert zurück <img src= 29.04.2014 - 06.05.2014 -

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Heidi Range Success (Sugababes) - 2014年3月17日
Sent: LOR, SASE and 1 Photo Received: My Photo back signed in my SASE Address: c/o Crown Talent & Media Group, Matrix Studio Complex, 91 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BU, UK Sent on: 1st March 2014 Received on: 17th March 2014 Time taken: 16 days Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater

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Heidi Range - Success! - 2014年2月1日
The last of my two successes today! This time its from Heidi Range, better known for being one of the Sugababes! Heidi is not an original member of the girl band, having replaced Siobhan Donaghy when she quit. Heidi has been in the band for the longest though, so in my eyes, shes an original <img src= Sent: LOR, 1 photo, SASE When: 31st October 2013 Received: my photo signed and personalised When: 1st February 2014 Photo with envelope: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures (Apologies the photo is sideways... I dont know why, when it was the right way around when I uploaded it!) Address Used: Heidi Range Crown Talent Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Road London SW6 3BU Im thrilled with this success, as Ive been a big fan of Heidi since I was younger! Im trying to get an autograph from each Sugababe (which is proving to be very hard, even though Amelle Berrabah and Jade Ewen follow me on Twitter, and Mutya Buena, Siobhan Donaghy and Keisha Buchanans new band MKS also follow me). Heidi is in fact my first Sugababe autograph! <img src= - Daniel

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