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Helena Bonham Carterの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Helena Bonham Carter success!!! - 2012年10月26日
I wrote to Helena Bonham Carter on 28th August 2012 and the photoes came back signed today 26th Oct. 2012 -Thats soooo awesome!!! !!!!! So fast!!! Helena is one of my favourite actress!!I am soooooooooo happy!!! Helena Bonham Carter c/o Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK SENT: LOR, SASE, photos RECEIVED: 2 photoes signed in my SASE envelope: - photo: - -

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Helena Bonham Carter Success - 2012年10月15日
I sent a picture, LOR, and SASE to the address in the database on 8/7/2012. I received my photo back signed and personalized on 10/15/2012. Helena Bonham Carter Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK -

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Helena Bonham Carter success - 2012年10月12日
2 photos, a letter and a self-addressed, stamped envelope sent on 23/08/12 to: Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW Photos with handwritten, personalised signatures received on 12/10/12 in self-addressed envelope. Sorry- can't upload pics, apparently the files are too big

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Helena Bonham Carter SUCCESS - 2012年5月14日
I think this may just be the longest Ive ever waited for an autograph. Helena Bonham Carter was one of the first successes I sent out several years ago; I absolutely loved her portrayal of Bellatrix Lestrange in the "Harry Potter" movies and became more and more of a fan as time went by. After waiting a while and not hearing anything back, I sent out a second letter with two photos, one for me and one for a friend. I finally got that second attempt back, although she only signed one photo. Still, better than nothing... and maybe that first response is on its way! SENT: December 29, 2008 RECEIVED: May 8, 2012 Helena Bonham Carter c/o Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK [uk<!-- s[uk --> 

SENT: LOR, SASE, 2x 8x10 photos
RECEIVED: 8x10 photo signed

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helena bonham carter -hp - 2012年5月8日
Helena Bonham Carter Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK 21.4 11 - today Sent an index card and letter to ms carter last year and today received a pre signed colour pic of her in a georgian wig and crown sipping a diet coke (?) wonderful actress and awesome baddie in the hp movies. Sorry, no scanner. best

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