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Henry Cavillの直筆サイン入り写真 (15 / 16ページ):

Henry Cavill - double success - 2012年11月28日
Sent: July 29th, 2012 Got: November 28th, 2012 used the address here on fanmail.biz Henry Cavill United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK you can see the autograph on please "like" my page if you like it

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Henry Cavill success - 2012年11月23日
Sent: Mid July 2012 Received: November 23, 2012 - Seems like the fourth time is the charm. After trying two times via Man of Steel, and once through his agency... I tried his agency address again. Sent LOR, SASE, 1 IRC and 4x6 Man of Steel photo to his agency. Received the SASE with signed photo, but with the sec personalization. Im happy I finally have him, but less pleased with the inscription.

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Henry Cavill Success ! - 2012年11月23日
Bonjour, Hello ! On October 22nd, 2012 I sent a fan letter, a SASE and three photos to Henry Cavill from France. I received them (signed and personalized) on November 20th, 2012 <img src= I used this address : Henry Cavill United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Here are the envelope and the 3 photos. 2 signatures got smudged. By the way, anyone knows what is written on the right corner of the envelope and what it means ? - - - -

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Henry Cavill - success :-) - 2012年11月23日
Hi, I´m so happy <img src= Sent 2 photos on the 06th June to address in database. Arrived them back today signed and personalized for me and my friend. -

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Henry Cavill SUCCESS - 2012年11月21日
Sent 17/7/12, Received 17/11/12 Henry Cavill - Actor (Superman Man of Steel, The Tudors) Sent via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE Received 1 x signed Superman photo (with sec dedication added) 2 x signed xmas cards (minus dedication thankfully) Pic here >>>> Thanks RM

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