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Henry Kissingerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Henry Kissinger (9 month wait) - 2013年1月28日
I sent out a photo packet sometime last summer for a history class project, well needless to say i nam done with the class; and now i have 2 Henry Kissinger pics. Happy to have themas he is an integral part of U.S. foreign relations in the back half of the 20th Century!

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Henry Kissinger Success? - 2012年10月20日
On 9/26/2012 Sent a SASE, LOR, and Photo to Dr. Kissinger at: Henry Kissinger Kissinger Associates, Inc. 350 Park Avenue Floor 26 New York, NY 10022-6045 USA Received a personalized photo back today. This H and A look differently than other autographs that Ive seen, and most only have one dot above Kissinger. Im actually pretty happy with this, and if its a Sec, its probably the best Im going to get other than tracking him down at a rare IP appearance these days. - - Edit: Actually, this may be legit. Ive looked around a little more and found a few autographs where the H and the A match better, such as: http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prod ... =2&page=43

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