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Hugh Bonnevilleの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

Hugh Bonneville succes - 2012年6月28日
addr: Hugh Bonneville, Gordon and French, 12-13 Poland Street, London W1F 8QB, UK sent: LOR+SAE+card 04.jun.2012. rec: personalized card 28.jun.2012. <img src= -

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Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey-Lost in Austen) success! (x3) - 2012年5月3日
sent march 21st, 1 photo and 1 photo on normal paper, SAE, IRC and LOR. received may 3rd, 2 photos and 1 photo on normal paper. I can hardly say how happy I am!! I am a huge fan of Hugh for many years. love him in downton Abbey, lost in austen and from time to time. he is a amazing actor who is very sweet to his fans! thank you Hugh and Fanmail.biz! sent it to the adress in the database. photos: http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s40 ... 161444.jpg http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s40 ... 161415.jpg http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s40 ... 161511.jpg sorry no envelope ------- Recent successes:Allen Leech, Maggie Smith, Penelope Wilton, Hugh Bonneville rencently sent out:Amanda Seyfried, Stephen Fry, Maggie Smith, Jeremy Irvine, David Suchet, Jude Law http://www.DowntonClaireAutographs.webs.com I do not benefit of collecting autographs, it is a hobby! N.1 Downton Abbey fan!!

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Hugh Bonneville Success - 2012年4月25日
Sent LOR with SAE on 9.4.12 and received a lovely photo, personalised together with a hand written notecard. Really pleased with this as he has taken time to read the letter and respond. Address used: Hugh Bonneville Gordon and French 12-13 Poland Street London W1F 8QB Picture http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/1217/002mk.jpg Envelope http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/8286/001xgc.jpg

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Hugh Bonneville success - 2012年1月12日
I sent a letter and SAE to Hugh on: 4th January 2012, and today I recieved a signed and personalized photo from him. <img src= address i used was: Hugh Bonneville, c/o Gordon and French, 12-13, Poland Street, London W1F 8QB Here is the pic: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/97/sam2286v.jpg/

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Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey) Brilliant Success! - 2011年12月21日
I sent a letter and an SASE to Hugh Bonneville who plays Robert, Earl of Grantham in the enormously successful period drama, Downton Abbey on the 22nd November 2011 and received a personalised signed photo and a wonderful letter on the 11th December 2011. I used the following address: Hugh Bonneville Gordon and French 12-13 Poland Street London W1F 8QB UK http://s1091.photobucket.com/albums/i399/mcgonagall123/?action=view&current=IMG02703-20111221-2257.jpg http://s1091.photobucket.com/albums/i399/mcgonagall123/?action=view&current=IMG02704-20111221-2259.jpg

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