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Ian Hislopの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ian Hislop Email Success - 2017年8月14日
Sent an email with a request on 24.06.2017, I got this in the post in the first week of August 2017. <img src= Mail used :private-ey ( at ) servicehelpline.co.uk http://surfmypictures.com/image/91f6086 ... 0gmep.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/91f6086 ... m9r1d.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/91f6086 ... q3ax5.html This is my first Success

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Ian Hislop Success! - 2017年6月23日
Got a Personalised picture from Editor of Private Eye and Have I got News For You team captain Ian Hislop! I sent my LOR to the Address given on the website (Private Eye HQ) on the 13/06/2017 and got my response on the 21/06/2017! http://i.imgur.com/asgcL1S.jpg

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Ian Hislop Email Success - 2016年12月28日
Sent an email to Private Eye and a few weeks later I got this in the post. Ian Hislop is a team captain on Have I got News For You and the editor of Private Eye.

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Ian Hislop Success! - 2014年9月12日
Sent: 19/08/14 Received: 10/09/14 Sent LOR, SASE & photo to be signed. I got back my photo signed. The address I used was for Private Eye, which he is the editor of. Ian Hislop Private Eye 6 Carlisle Street, London, W1D 3BN, UK Address can be found on their website. -

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