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Ian Holmの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

Brian Holman RTS - 2013年8月29日
Sent card and LOTR in SASE on 8/21/13 and today 8/29/13 I received an RTS that said unable to forward not deliverable as addressed. address used: Brian Holman 15821 Park Hill St. Overland Park, KS 66221 USA sorry no scanner

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Ian Holm - 2013年8月29日
Sent an SAE and LOR to Ian and recieved a signed photo! I have tried to upload the pic but cant seem to get it on! address used: Ian Holm Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK

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Ian Holm success - 2013年5月28日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 4 photos 15.03.2013 Received: our 4 photos signed 23.05.2013 address used: Ian Holm Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK Photos: http://www.facebook.com/AutografyMatiIPati or http://mati-pati.blogspot.com/2013/05/2 ... -holm.html Envelope: - Any opinions of authenticity are welcome. Please <img src= our facebook fanpage (if you like it) <img src=

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Ian Holm success - 2013年5月18日
I almost sent another request as I wasnt sure that I had sent one or not (slipped through my sent/received record that I keep) I was very happy to get this back <img src= I sent 1 Photo and SASE and received it back signed. Sent August-October Received 17th May Address used Ian Holm Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK - -

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Sir Ian Holm SUCCESS - 2013年5月17日
Sent lor. sase and 10 x 8 photo to Sir Ian Holm star of The Hobbit, Lord of The Rings and numerous other brilliant films sent on 05/03/13 to Markham Froggatt and Irwin 4 Windmill St London W1T 2HZ UK received today photo - envelope -

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