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Ickey Woodsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Ickey Woods success - 2011年6月7日
On 5-23-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and football card to Ickey Woods at : Ickey Woods 916 Surrey Trail Cincinnati, OH 45245-1137 On 6-6-11 I received my football card back autographed with a note asking me to donate to the Jovante Woods foundation. He also signed the note, so technically I got 2 autographs from him.

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Ickey Woods Success!!! - 2011年5月3日
Mr. Ickey Woods 916 Surrey Trail Cincinnati, OH 45245-1137 I wrote a fan letter and sent a SASE along with a football card to the former Cincinnati Bengals RB Ickey Woods on 2/21/11. I got a response back from him on 3/28/11 and he was nice enough to sign the football card that had originally sent him.

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