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Irinaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Irina Pantaeva GREAT Success!(Mortal Kombat 2,Zoolander) TTM - 2013年8月16日
I love being able to post "firsts" on this forum, and I am happy to be able to add another now with Irina Pantaeva. I have 4 others that I had purchased from a reputable dealer whom had video footage of the signings. After all of that, I got my original TTM back, oddly not signed on the front, but she opted to write a short personalized note on the back and signed it in pen, as you can see in the pics. (The sig on this one matches my 4 8x10's, for anyone wondering.) Sent: 06/01/13 Received: 08/12/13 Address used: Irina Pantaeva CESD Talent Agency N.Y. 257 Park Avenue South Suite 900 New York, NY 10010-7304 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Irina Kalentieva Email Success - 2012年12月7日
Sent Email in September 2012 Recieved signed photo in late October 2012 Email-addy not hard to find.. Photo: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =170823205

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IRINA SHAYK (RTS) - 2012年7月16日
I don't understand why I got RTS, with address ARC NY. On her official site is this address. Who can help? I want send to her letter.

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Irina Shayk RTS - 2012年7月3日
I sent letter on this address: Irina Shayk ARC NY Talent PR 73 Spring Street Suite 408 New York, NY 10012 USA

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Irina Shayk RTS - 2012年4月10日
I sent a letter to Irina Shayk a few weeks ago and just got it returned to me. I used the address in the database, which had previous successes. does anyone know if the address has changed?

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