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IronE Singletonの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

IronE Singleton (The Walking Dead) - 2012年10月19日
Sent:LOR+SASE+ 2photos Received: Both photos signed Data sent: September 2012 Data received: 17.10.12 Address via The Walking Dead season 3 -

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IronE Singleton (TDOG from the WALKING DEAD) SUCCESS - 2012年7月16日
Addresses: http://ttmcentral.weebly.com/ ADD ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ttmcentrals.autographs Amsel-Eisenstadt & Frazier 5055 Wilshire Blvd. #865 Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA Autographs: http://tinyurl.com/7jtmlfg Success (29 Days) 2012/05/25 2012/06/23 Comment: 5/5 Signed video

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IronE Singleton Success! - 2012年6月27日
Sent : lor sase pic received: pic signed in sase addy used: WALKING DEAD VV ADDY IronE Singleton "The Walking Dead - Season 3" (Until Nov 07 2012) Raleigh Studios Atlanta 600 Chestlehurst Rd. Senoia, GA 30276 USA -

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IronE Singleton (TDOG from the WALKING DEAD) SUCCESS - 2012年6月1日
Addresses: http://ttmcentral.weebly.com/ Singleton, IronE Success (24 Days) Photos of Autographs Here---> http://tinyurl.com/76wsxyc 2012/04/30 2012/05/24 Amsel-Eisenstadt & Frazier 5055 Wilshire Blvd. #865 Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA >> 5 signed with crayola marker... all sigs gone video

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IronE Singleton Walking Dead - 2011年5月13日
Sent Jan 20111 rec april 2011 Mailed to:Amsel-Eisenstadt & Frazier 5055 Wilshire Blvd. #865 Los Angeles, CA 90036 -

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