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Isabel Lucasの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Isabel Lucas personalised success! - 2014年4月5日
Yay! I sent it in Dec 2013 and just got it back a few days ago! With a letter as well! <img src= <img src= <img src= Address used: Isabel Lucas Meissner Management P.O. Box 530 Paddington Sydney, NSW 2021 Australia - Photo + Envelope: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Letter: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Isabel Lucas Success! - 2013年9月10日
Sent: June 15, 2013 Received: September 9, 2013 Photo: - Letter: - Index card: - Ive adored Isabel since her days on Home & Away. She was sweet enough to sign the index card I sent her and then a picture of her own. Meissner Management P.O. Box 530 Paddington Sydney, NSW 2021 Australia

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Isabel Lucas (Immortals, Transformers 2) success - 2012年1月27日
Got my custom card and a plain 3x5 card back signed. She also sent a short thank you note. Mailed 11/15/11..Recv.1/27/12 Mailed to: Meissner Management P.O. Box 530 Paddington NSW 2021 Sydney Australia -

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Isabel Lucas Success! - 2011年12月29日
Im very happy!!! Today, I received my photo signed and personalised and a letter addressed to me and signed by Isabel herself in reply to my letter. <img src= Sent Photo, Letter, SAE, IRC. Date Sent: Sometime in September Date Received: December 29, 2011 Address Used: Isabel Lucas Meissner Management P.O. Box 530 Paddington Sydney, NSW 2021 Australia You can see the autographed photo, the letter and the envelope in the photo below. <img src= -

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Isabel Lucas Success! <3<3 - 2011年9月15日
Date Send: 8/02/2011 Date Received: 15/09/2011 Send: LOR, SAE, 2 photos (4x6) and an index card Received: in my SAE my index card signed and personalized, my 2 photos signed, another one she included signed, and another blank one she included, AND the best thing ! A letter directed to me, commenting she recently was in Belgium for a movie, and she liked it here! Address used: Isabel Lucas Meissner Management P.O. Box 530 Paddington Sydney, NSW 2021 Australia Pictures: - - - - - - Letter was addressed to me by address thats why my IC is on top of it! This is what the letter says, because its a bit blurry: [quote ear Gertie Thank you for your letter. I appreciate your kind thoughts. I was recently Bruxelles making a film ("Loft") and really loved the beauty and cultur of your beautiful country. It was the first time I visited Belfium and it was very memorable. I hope to return there again one day. Enclosed are your pictures and the index card. I wish you lots of success with your studies and good health and happiness. Love and light, Isabel Lucas[/quote:

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