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Jacqueline Bissetの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Jacqueline Bisset very fast success - 2011年7月1日
Jacqueline Bisset 1815 Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2006 USA Always have been captivated with Ms. Bissets beauty and years back before I really got into autograph hunting I purchased a "autographed photo" of her on ebay. Well since then I compared the signature with others here and they did not match up. So I sent Ms. Bisset the picture plus a new one I printed up with a SASE and a LOR asking her for to verify whether the signature was hers or not and also for her to sign my new picture. She replied in record time stating that I was right it wasnt her signature, and she also signed and personalized my new picture. I am very appreciative that she confirmed my suspicions but unfortunately it has been at least 10 years since the purchase so I cannot do anything about it. But let that be a reminder to be wary of autographs for sale on the internet. Do your research. - This is my new autograph. The phoney isnt worth the time to scan and post. - Her response written on the back of my letter. Sent:6-23-11 Rec: 7-1-11 Side note: I do have a previous success with Ms. Bisset too but this is the first time I asked her about my ebay purchase. Also two years ago I drove by her house while on a visit to California. I honored her privacy and did not stop to take pictures or anything but still was fun driving by her house. She has some great neighbors too. Ann Margret and Gene Simmons are just down the street. I actually did stop in front of Gene Simmons gate and was immediately belted with "I wanna Rock n Roll all night". Scared the heck out of me. Thought I set off a alarm. Forgot I had set my cell phone ringtone to that song. Stupid me. lol

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