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James Harrisの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

James "Kamala" Harris (James Harris) success!! - 2013年12月9日
On November 21, 2013, I sent an 8x10, LOR, SASE, $10.00 and a copy of "The Man in the Arena" by Theodore Roosevelt, to former wrestler Kamala a/k/a James Harris. Today I received the photo back personalized, as well as a note thanking me for the Roosevelt speech. I dont typically pay for autographs, but Mr. Harris has been battling diabetes and recently had both legs amputated. He is charging $10.00 for autographs to offset the cost of his medical expenses. If you are a fan, send off to him. He is a good man. Address: James Harris P.O. Box 235 Como, Mississippi 38619 Sent: November 21, 2013 Received: December 7, 2013 - -

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Kamala the Ugandan Headhunter (James Harris) - 2013年1月7日
I mailed a drawing to Kamala on October 5, 2012. Here is my success, 86 days later: address not in data base: James Harris 3400 Lyles Road Senatobia, MS 38668

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