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Jamie Moyerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Jamie Moyer Success!!!! - 2014年2月5日
Sent 10-31-13 Received 12-01-13 Sent a sase, lor and 2 cards. I received both of my cards signed in black sharpie. Thanks Jamie. That's the links for the auto's. I used the address in the database.

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Jamie Moyer Success - 2013年8月19日
Sent: 6/17/13 Received: 8/15/13 I sent this to his home in Seattle so Im not sure why this came back postmarked from San Diego. Sent to: Mr. Jamie Moyer The Moyer Foundation 2426 32nd Ave W Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98199-3202 USA - -

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Jamie Moyer (Retired baseball player) SUCCESS - 2013年8月15日
I took this picture of Jamie Moyer pitching in Milwaukee in 2008. I mailed it to him on 6/20/13 and received it back autographed today 8/15/13. The address that I used was in the database: The Moyer Foundation 2426 32nd Ave W Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98199-3202 USA -

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Jamie Moyer SUCCESS! - 2013年5月16日
On February 16 I sent a letter, picture and SASE to Jamie Moyer and today 5/16 I received it signed! Address used: Mr. Jamie Moyer 2426 32nd Avenue West Seattle WA 98199 Amazing success. Cant wait for his next comeback lol -

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Jamie Moyer Success - 2013年3月17日
I sent 4 cards, letter, and SASE and received back all 4 cards signed. Sent - 2/27/13 Received - 3/15/13 Mailed: Jamie Moyer 2426 32nd Ave West Seattle, WA 98199 - Thanks Mr. Moyer!

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