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Jan Berenstainの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jan Berenstain Success! - 2011年12月6日
Today, I got my index card back in the mail, signed by Jan Berenstain, author and illustrator of the Berenstain Bears series (with her late husband, Stan). The address I used was P.O. Box 299, Solebury, PA 18963. The request was sent on November 25, 2011 (11 days total). Here is the index card: http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9608/janberenstaincard.jpg Here is the return envelope: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/8056/janberenstainenvelope.jpg Happy Hunting! - The Hancock Hunter (http://hancockhunter.blogspot.com/)

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Jan Berenstain (Author of Berenstain Bears) SUCCESS! - 2011年11月27日
Berenstain, Jan Success (12 Days) 2011/11/14 5 items 2011/11/26 5 items P.O Box 299 Solebury, PA 18963 USA >> 5/5 Signed 3/3 Photos SIgned and 2 Bookplates PHOTOS/VIDEO: [youtube5ekMRH0OVTg[/youtube

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Jan Berenstain (author of Berenstain Bears) Success! - 2011年5月17日
Jan Berenstain P.O Box 299 Solebury, PA 18963 Wait Time:1 Week I grew up with the Berenstain bears books so this one means a lot to me! I contacted her and this is the return address that came on the envelope. -

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