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Jane Seymourの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Jane Seymour (paid) success. - 2012年1月3日
On 29th October 2011 I sent to Jane Seymour, LOR, 6x4 picture, SASE and $10 to the address in the database. On 28th December I received my picture back signed and dedicated <img src= A card sleeve was added to my envelope and they paid the $0.17 extra postage. Very pleased with this as I hate sending cash in the post! -

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Jane Seymour - Success - 2011年9月17日
Sent: 12th July 2011 Received: 17th September 2011 Sent letter, photo, SAE, $3 to cover postage and a $10 donation to Jane Seymour who played Solitaire in Live and Let Die. Received my photo back signed Address used: c/o Eagle Designs PO Box 15528 Colorado Springs CO 80935-5528 USA - -

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jane Seymour Failure :-( - 2011年8月18日
Wrote to Jane around October 2010 - address in database, encosing 2 IRCs, 4 photos and a LOR - today i received them all back unsigned with a request for payment for anything to be signed. Did hope as a fellow brit she may have signed at least one - never mind!! <img src= Jane Seymour Eagle Designs P.O. Box 15528 Colorado Springs, CO 80935-5528 USA -

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