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Jarno Trulliの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jarno Trulli Success! - 2015年4月29日
Address: Jarno Trulli Trulli Formula E Team Donington Park Castle Donington Derby DE74 2RP Sent: 7.4.15 Received: 28.04.2015 Sadly, I do not have envelope. Link to photo - http://surfmypictures.com/image/f92dd0f ... myde8.html

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Jarno Trulli success - 2015年2月14日
Sent: about the beginning of May 2014 LOR, SAE,10 Autographcards Rec:my 1 photos signed back not in my SAE Pictures on my Website check out my wantlist for trades http://f1-autogrammkarten.weebly.com/new.html

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Jarno Trulli Success!!! - 2011年9月12日
I sent a LOR, SSAE and 2 photos to formula one star Jarno Trulli. I sent it on 25th October 2010 and received a reply today 12th September 2011. He signed one of the two photos sent and enclosed a team Lotus team card and a standard Letter from team Lotus. Address used. Jarno Trulli c/o Team Lotus Hingham Industrial Estate Ironside Way Hingham Norfolk NR9 4LF Photos Signed pic - unsigned pic - Team lotus card Front - Back - Letter Close up of letter - My most recent in person success.

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