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Jaromir Jagrの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jaromir Jagr (Calgary Flames NHL) DNS - 2018年1月5日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 2 trading cards to Jaromir Jagr on Oct. 23rd 2017. Cards came back unsigned on Jan. 5th 2018. Included with my trading cards was a pre-print 8" x 3.5" photo. Address used: Calgary Flames P.O. Box 1540 Stn. M. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3B9 http://surfmypictures.com/image/8db1be92bae736b9/xx2pc.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/8db1be92bae736b9/xx2pc/Jagr.JPG Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Jaromir Jagr Success!!! - 2015年2月6日
Got this success a few weeks ago but just now getting around to it. Jaromir Jagr - NHL Hockey player currently with New Jersey Devils but formerly with Philadelphia Flyers. Absolutely my favorite hockey player. Very excited to have him in my collection! My collection is huge and Jaromir Jagr is at the top of my list of favorites! Very happy. Check It Out! http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w62 ... jtvspg.jpg

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Jaromir Jagr - 2015年2月4日
I got a Return to Sender the address needs to be updated, I sent it Jan 21 - 02/03/15, I used the 313 Burns Lane address

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Jaromir Jagr, hockey- legend success - 2013年2月27日
address: Jágr Team s. r. o. Vršovická 1224/82 100 00 PRAHA 10 czech republic received 1 signed picture, scan:

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Jaromir Jagr email success - 2011年6月22日
Sent Mr. Jagr an email about 2 weeks ago and received signed, colored photo! He is making a comeback to the NHL and is either going to sign with Pittsburgh or Detroit. Really cool, and definetly authentic! -

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