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Jason Aldeanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Jason Aldean success - 2018年6月28日
Sent request on 6/16/18 rcvd on 6/28/18. Sent to Jason Aldean, Spalding Entertainment, 54 Music Square E. Suite #200, Nashville, TN 37203. Received Autographed photo of Jason Aldean, Reba, Rascal Flatts, Darius Rucker and Brooks & Dunn. WOW. Asked for one, received 5. No scanner to provide photos and no return address on envelope. Thank you fanmail.biz.....

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Jason Aldean - 2018年4月18日
Sent a donation request letter and a SASE in Jan. 2018 and received back signed photo in Feb. 2018. No scan of envelope as no return address on it. Address Used: Jason Aldean Spalding Entertainment 54 Music Square East Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37203

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Jason Aldean Success - 2017年7月15日
I got Jason Aldean back in 3 weeks using this address: Jason Aldean Spalding Entertainment 54 Music Square East Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37203 USA It looks authentic to me.

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Jason Aldean - Success... I think - 2013年10月28日
Jason Aldean Mailed: 9/3/13 (2) 5x7 (6 Day Turnaround) Received: 9/9/13 After trying at two different venues, I tried the address in the database. Returned Pictures Un-sign w/ His CD Booklet Autographed Not sure if its 100% legit but am open to opinions. Used address in the database Jason Aldean Spalding Entertainment 54 Music Square East Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37203 USA -

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Jason Aldean FAILURE! - 2013年2月4日
I sent Jason Aldean a LOR, SASE, magazine, and CD booklet on 1/26/13 c/o Spalding Entertainment 54 Music Square East Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37203 USA I received my SASE back today(2/4/13) with the magazine and CD booklet returned unsigned with no explanation. I thought he'd be signing being that he's not busy with a tour right now. I guess I was wrong.

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