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Jason David Frankの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Jason David Frank Success - 2013年11月6日
Tried to get him at New York Comic Con, but his line was too long. I saved the photo I had on me and sent it to him. Sent LOR, Photo, and SASE. Received photo back signed and personalized. Sent: 10/22/2013 Received: 11/5/2013 Address Used: Jason David Frank c/o Kathy Lymberopoulos Management PO Box 803205 Los Angeles, CA 91380 USA - -

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Jason David Frank (Tommy in Power Rangers) Success!!! - 2012年3月16日
This was awesome! My mail man doesnt normally come until like 5 pm its 11 am right now and i saw the truck outside. She must of know it was a good day for me because I got two successes from studio fan mail which is whatever, but I also got 3 signed and personalised 8x10s from Jason David Frank who was Tommy in the old school Power Rangers that I grew up with! I sent an e-mail to his admin on his facebook fan page and she said he charges for them so I checked out the paypal thing and the e-mail you make payments too, and I wrote him a very long e-mail to the address and put my address in it and I got these. So Happy!!! It took about two weeks. Photo 1: http://surfmypictures.com/image/ec5f852 ... xs1uo.html Photo 2: http://surfmypictures.com/image/ec5f852 ... 6airu.html Photo 3: http://surfmypictures.com/image/ec5f852 ... aybc4.html Envelope and the SFM pics: http://surfmypictures.com/image/ec5f852 ... cnci3.html

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