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Jason Durrの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jason Durr (Casualty) success - 2017年5月22日
I wrote to Jason Durr recently. Sent 16th May received today. Used the Via Venue address on database (sorry can't cut and paste address on my phone).

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Jason Durr (Casualty) Success! - 2017年3月16日
Hello, I sent a LOR and an SASE to Jason Durr (David) via the Casualty address and recieved a signed cast card a few months later. Sent: 21/10/2016 Received: 16/3/2017 Address Used: Jason Durr BBC Wales Casualty Production Office Fan Requests Dept Roath Lock Studios Cardiff Bay CF10 4GA http://surfmypictures.com/image/bd2cd3059b0693f7/3znq0.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/bd2cd3059b0693f7/3znq0/cZK9dk4X.jpg-large.jpeg Thank you!

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Jason Durr (Casualty) Success! - 2017年3月16日
Sent letter to Jason Durr using Casualty address in the database and today I received a signed cast card in the post - very happy!

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Jason Durr (Casualty) Success! - 2017年2月8日
Hello, Today I recieved another success for my Casualty autograph collection, from Jason Durr, who plays David Hide in the show. I sent a photo, a LOR and an SASE to the database address and recieved my photo personally signed, and a cute little doodle on the back of the envelope <img src= Thank you, Jason! Sent: 14/1/17 Recieved: 8/2/17 Address Used: Jason Durr Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4SP Thank you!

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