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Jean-Paul Belmondoの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 7ページ):

Jean-Paul Belmondo, France Actor, 4 x success - 2015年1月10日
On 11/28/2014 I have a letter with 3 old press images from the films L`AS De s AS , The Boss , Les Morfalous to the address: Jean -Paul Belmondo ArtMedia 20 , Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France sent . I have enclosed a stamped envelope and Mr. Belmondo asked me to sign the press images. Also, I have asked to enclose a current autograph card. On 23/12/2014 I took my pictures in the post box [germany<!-- s[germany -->  <!-- s[ugotmail --><img src= <img src= <img src= . Thank you Jean Paul <img src= <img src= The signed pictures as well as the return envelope can be found on my Facebook page: <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Jean-Paul Belmondo SUCCESS - 2014年11月3日
Jean-Paul Belmondo Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris, France Sent: 10 Okt 2014 >> 2 pics, LOR, SAE Received [germany<!-- s[germany -->: 3 Nov 2014 >> 2 pics signed, personalised
Waiting time: 24d

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Jean-Paul Belmondo success - 2014年10月28日
Jean-Paul Belmondo success Jean-Paul Belmondo Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France Sent Date(September 24, 2014): Letter, 3 photos, International replay coupons, a self-address envelop Received Date(October 28, 2014): 3 signed photos and an additional photo card from Mr. Jean-Paul Belmondo To Japan from France. Sorry, I cannot upload an image. Please look follows. -

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Jean-Paul Belmondo Success!! - 2014年8月16日
Sent: LOR, SAE, 1 photo!! Rec.: 11.08.2014 - 2 photo! Used this address: Jean-Paul Belmondo Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France -

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sent- (LOR ,SAE, IRC, 2 photos)12.06.2014 received 18.07.2014 Jean-Paul Belmondo Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France photo": - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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