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Jeb Bushの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Jeb Bush success - 2020年6月26日
Sent to the Coral Gables Fl address listed Sent 6-13-20 Recd 6-25-20 Recd large signed card

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Jeb Bush success - 2017年7月7日
Served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. He is the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and is the younger brother of former President George W. Bush. Jeb Bush is the only Republican to serve two full four-year terms as Governor of Florida. mailed photo 8-24-16 received signed 9-2-16 used: private resident address Coral Gables, FL Note: per admin and other people who have complained here I won't post private address for privacy reasons. http://surfmypictures.com/image/d5c2b3a ... wo7hy.html

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Jeb Bush email success - 2015年5月8日
Sent email to { Email Address } on 4-28-15. On 5-8-15 my daughter got a signed picture. You can see all our autographs follow me on twitter at cavewv

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Jeb Bush Success - 2015年4月27日
Sent email request to info at RighttoRisePAC.org on 4/10, received signed photo today, 4/21.

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Jeb Bush Success - 2015年4月10日
March 24, 2015- Sent Email April 10, 2015- Received Personalized 8x10 Check out all my autographs at http://www.zbowers17.wordpress.com Email Used { Email Address } Return Envelope Address Office of Governor Jeb Bush 1200 Anastasia Ave Suite 500 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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