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Jeff Koberの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Jeff Kober - Joe The Claimer (The Walking Dead) - RTS! - 2016年2月23日
Jeff Kober BRS / Gage Talent Agency 5757 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 659 Los Angeles, CA 90036-3682 USA Sent to this address, today came back with 'return to sender, not at this address'. Does anyone have a new address? Thanks

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Jeff Kober - Walking Dead - success - 2015年4月8日
Address: Jeff Kober c/o Bauman/Redanty/Shaul 5757 Wilshire Blvd. #659 Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA 06.12.2014 - 08.04.2015 2 photos personalized and signed Scans: https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme Please <img src= my facebook page <img src=

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Jeff Kober (Walking Dead) success - 2015年4月6日
Sent letter 2 pictures and SASE on 11-17-14. Both returned signed 3-6-15. Address used: c/o Bauman/Redanty/Shaul 5757 Wilshire blvd. #659 Los Angeles, CA 90036 You can see all our autographs follow me on Twitter at cavewv

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Jeff Kober (Buffy and The Walking Dead) Success! - 2014年11月14日
Sent: 8-13-14 Received: 11-14-14 Items Sent: 2 Photos, Letter, SASE Items Received: 2 Photos signed in my SASE Address Used: Jeff Kober c/o Bauman/Redanty/Shaul 5757 Wilshire Blvd. #659 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Autographs: - - Envelope: (Received it back unmarked) -

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Jeff Kober (Joe the Claimer from Walking Dead) TTM Success! - 2014年11月14日
Greetings! I sent out two 4x6 pics to Mr. Kober at the following address exactly two months ago: Jeff Kober c/o Bauman/Redanty/Shaul 5757 Wilshire Blvd. #659 Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA Yesterday in the mail, I got back both pictures signed. One was personalized and inscribed "Claimed" I am truly happy for this Walking Dead success. Photos are below. Enjoy! -

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