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Jefferson Airplaneの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

John Barbata (Jefferson Airplane) SUCCESS! - 2021年3月18日
I sent a letter, SASE, photo, and index card on January 31st and today I both back signed! Address used: Mr. John Barbata 22693 County Road 1551 Ada, OK 74820

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Jefferson Airplane/Starship Singer Grace Slick - RTS - 2018年11月7日
[size=150Got a Return to Sender from Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starship frontwoman Grace Slick. On September 28, I sent a request to the address in the database: Grace Slick Address removed On November 6, I received the letter back marked "Not Deliverable As Addressed".[/size Uploaded with

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Grace Slick - Jefferson Airplane - Success (NSFW) - 2016年10月23日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and 4X6" photo in mid September. Received my photo personalized on 10/20/16. Used address on the return envelope.

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Jack Casady (EX-Jefferson Airplane) - SUCCESS!!! - 2015年9月29日
Hey there, after long time I've recieved something that I can post here <img src= Today I've got back my photo signed by Mr. Jack Casady, the ex-bass player of legendary band Jefferson Ariplane <img src= Sent: 24. August 2015 Recieved: 29. September 2015 Address used: Mr. Jack Casady Furt Peace Management 39495 St. Clair Rd. Pomeroy, OH 45769 United States of America

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Grace Slick TTM success!!! Jefferson Airplane - 2015年5月21日
Grace Slick Address removed USA Been a fan of Ms. Slick for a long time. Loved Jefferson Airplane/Starship. So I sent her this 8x10, a LOR and a SASE and I got it back personalized to me!!! With the bonus "White Rabbit" included with her signature. What a great lady! Sent:5-5-15 Rec: 5-20-15 15 days!!!

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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2025年3月 9日
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Scott Bailes Mlb Success
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Voice Actor H. Jon Benjamin Success
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Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
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Former Mlb Galen Cisco Success
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Tamsin Greig Success
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Alison Steadman Success
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