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Jeffrey Demunnの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 14ページ):

Jeffrey DeMunn Success! - 2012年4月19日
Sent LOR, 8x6 photo and SASE to the address in the database on the 31/03/2012. Received it back today signed. My 3rd person from the Walking Dead now <img src= - -

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Jeffrey Demunn - the walking dead - SUCCESS Personalized - 2012年4月19日
Date Send: 11/03/2012 Date Received: 19/04/2012 Sent : 2 photos 13x19 Received : 2 photos 19x19 SIGNED and Personalized Have a look here : http://www.mp22.book.fr ----------- TAKE TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHOTOS AND LEAVE I A SMALL MESSAGE. THANK YOU. KISSES IN YOU ALL. - --- - FAN MAIL : Jeffrey Demunn P.O. Box 373 Round Top, NY 12473 USA

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Jeffrey Demunn Success - 2012年4月19日
Sent him a LOR, SASE, 2 photos to the address in the database on 3-12-12 Got a reply today 4-18-12 Jeffrey Demunn P.O. Box 373 Round Top, NY 12473 USA He signed both my pictures. He signed one in gold which I think looks awesome! Photo 1: Photo 2: Envelope:

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Jeffrey DeMunn Success - 2012年4月18日
SENT: 3/26/2012 RECIEVED: 4/18/2012 Absolutely LOVE him in The Walking Dead!! Sad he died. =( PHOTOS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/75872673 at N07/7090825447/in/photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/75872673 at N07/7090833389/in/photostream ENVELOPE: http://i.imgur.com/lHyES.jpg He didn't put his photos back in the plastic film I sent them in. Which sucks because then they rub together & some of the ink comes off. I don't understand why they don't put them back in it?! Urgh! I used the PO Box in the database. Jeffrey DeMunn P.O. Box 373 Round Top, NY 12473 USA

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Jeffrey DeMunn (The Walking Dead, The Green Mile) - 2012年3月2日
Sent: LOR+SAE+IRC+1 photo Date sent: about 15 February Date received: 1 March Received: signed photo with small note Address from database. Photo:http://s1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee448/Rymu1/Inne%20autografy/?action=view&current=skanowanie0002.jpg Photo+Envelope: -

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