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Jennifer Jo Cobbの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jennifer Jo COBB (Racing) - 2020年12月17日
Jennifer Jo COBB JJCR 6500 Kaw Dr Kansas City, Kansas 66111 Sent 10/29/2020 Rec 12/16/2020 Signed 3 TC, 1 AC, 10 of Spades + LOR http://surfmypictures.com/image/cc05e70533ea6a24/wegle.html

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Jennifer Jo Cobb Success - 2020年12月15日
Cobb Autograph 6500 Kaw Drive Kansas City, KS 66111 Sent 2 8.5x11 photos on 10/19/20 and received both back signed on 12/14/20. Also received a signed hero card. Signed the back of the envelope. Thank you so much Jennifer, very appreciative! My address used in To/From blocks of return envelope.

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Jennifer Jo Cobb (NASAR) - 2020年5月7日
Jennifer Jo Cobb (NASAR) I used 6500 Kaw Drive Kansas City, KS 66111 But addy on her envelope was: JJCR 804 A Performance Rd Mooresville, NC 28115 Sent 10/28/2019 Rec 05/07/2020 Signed 3 TC, 1 AC. Jen scribbled some notes on the envelope apologizing for the delay. How sweet, thank you Jen! http://surfmypictures.com/image/7e4824521fba1009/yqggw.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/7e4824521fba1009/zig4j.html

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