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Jeremy Bullochの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 9ページ):

Jeremy Bulloch / Jason Wingreen - STAR WARS - Boba Fett - 2012年8月25日
This photo was sent to both of them. Firstly Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett actor) Sent: 2012.06.29 SASE LOR PHOTO Received: 2012.08.10 Then I sent it to Jason Wingreen (Voice of Boba Fett) Sent: 2012.08.10 SASE LOR PHOTO Received: 2012.08.25 Envelopes: - Photo: http://soloautographs.webs.com/apps/pho ... =163749295 -

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Harry Dean Stanton and Jeremy Bulloch - 2012年8月9日
Lets see if I can post this right since every time I post feedback it gets moved to another board... Received my photo and SASE from Jeremy Bulloch back. Harry Dean Stanton sent his own small picture. Both personalized. Harry Dean Stanton 14527 Mulholland Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90077 USA Jeremy Bulloch 10 Birchwood Road London, SW17 9BQ UK Both were sent about 3 weeks/a month ago Also if anyone could figure out who would send out a picture just signed "Jango Fett" thatd be great. I would assume it was from Temuera Morrison, but it never got fully signed. I received that photo years ago and thought I would send it to Jeremy this time around. - -

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Jeremy Bulloch success - Boba Fett in Star Wars - 2012年7月28日
What sent : 2 8x10 Date sent : 22/06/2012 adress used: Jeremy Bulloch Brown & Simcocks 504 The Chandlery 50 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7QY UK received : 28/07/2012 *NO ENVELOPE* - -

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Jeremy Bulloch Boba Fett... - 2012年5月7日
Sent: 4/7/12; Rec: 5/5/12;… 28 days. Sent LOR, $2, photo 4x6, SAE. Got photo back signed and personalized! Jeremy Bulloch Brown & Simcocks 504 The Chandlery 50 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7QY UK Awesome to get this back from the UK. Love Boba Fett and huge SW fan in general so now I have to get them all. And to think I used to get him mixed up with Jim J Bulloch whoas me. Great success, thank you fanmail and Mr. Bullochs. - -

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Jeremy Bulloch - Boba Fett (Star Wars) - 2012年5月3日
Sent: 12.04.16 LOR+2photos+DVD cover+SAE+IRC Received: 1 photo signed, another photo and dvd cover UNSIGNED (strange) in my sae. He wrote a note on my envelope and crossed out his address: not at this address anymore!!. Does itr actually mean he has another address now or he wont receive fanmail anymore? Strange that he signed only 1 photo, I saw people posted successes with like 4 or 5 pics signed, anyway I am happy with 1 pic. I hope its authentic signature, not secretary. Check it out - -

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