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Jerry LeViasの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

NFL Jerry LeVias Success - 2022年10月18日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 3 TCs to: Jerry LeVias 1626 Park St Houston, TX 77019 Sent: 9/27/22 Received: 10/18/22 http://surfmypictures.com/image/5f8abdcdac710011/vz3nl.html

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Jerry LeVias American Football - 2016年6月3日
Jerry LeVias was the first African-American scholarship athlete and second African-American football player in the Southwest Conference (SMU). LeVias was an immediate hit with the Oilers, as Sports Illustrated noted in their coverage of the successful pro football rookie class of 1969, featuring the Oiler flanker. LeVias was responsible for almost half of the Oiler' yardage in 1970. The physicality of the pro game wore on LeVias, who famously remarked, "As the season progresses I get lighter, faster and more afraid." Well versed in avoiding the measuring tape as well as bigger defensive players, one scout claimed to have measured LeVias at 5'8" 163. He was inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in 1995, and to the National College Football Hall of Fame in 2003. Houston Oilers (AFL) (1969) Houston Oilers (NFL) (1970) San Diego Chargers (NFL) (1971–1974) Sent him 2 cards on 24 May and got both back signed on 3 Jun. Mr Jerry LeVias 1626 Park St. Houston, TX 77019

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