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Jessica Ennisの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Jessica Ennis (Team GB) SUCCESS - 2012年9月24日
Sent a LOR, SASE and photo to jess on 21st July Recieved photo signed in SASE on 24th Sept. address: Jessica Ennis JCCM Ltd. Matrix Studios 91 Peterborough Road London SW6 3BU photo: http://imageshack.us/a/img145/766/img1515c.jpg Aaahhh i love her so much!

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British Olympic GOLD Medallist Jessica Ennis Success - 2012年8月12日
I sent a LOR, one 10x8 photo, SASE on 26th April 2012. I got my 10x8 back signed and dedicated to me, it is a little difficult to see but its up in the top left corner. I have been working away so I don’t know when I got the photo back. Let me know your thoughts on authenticity. Address used: c/o JCCM Ltd. Matrix Studios, 91 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BU http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94 ... ennis.jpg/

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Jess Ennis success (Jessica Ennis) - 2012年7月11日
Hi I sent a LOR & SASE on the 13.6.12. I got back in my SASE a signed picture on the 11.7.12 Took 28 days. Address I used was: Jessica Ennis JCCM Ltd. Matrix Studios 91 Peterborough Road London SW6 3BU Really happy I got a autograph back off Jess. <img src= Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/001ooom.jpg/

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Jessica Ennis Success - 2011年5月4日
I sent a LOR and a SASE to Jessica Ennis via the address in the database. Today I got back a hand signed personalised photo from Jessica. Took around 3 weeks - -

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