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Jim Bonfantiの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

James Bonfanti Dummer (Jim Bonfanti) - 2018年8月8日
James Alexander Bonfanti (born December 17, 1948 in Windber, Pennsylvania) is a rock drummer, best known as a member of the band Raspberries. Bonfanti's music career began in 1965 when he saw The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, which eventually led him to join a band called "The Mods", later renamed The Choir. Their recording of "It’s Cold Outside" reached the national charts in 1967. In 1970, Bonfanti, Wally Bryson, Dave Smalley and Eric Carmen formed Raspberries who made four albums, eight singles, many road trips (including Carnegie Hall), national and international success, including a gold record for their major hit "Go All the Way". Following two albums both released in 1972, creative tension came to a head sparked largely by Carmen's creative dominance over the contributions of fellow members. After the release of the Raspberries' third album, Side 3, Smalley and Bonfanti departed Raspberries to form their own band, Dynamite. Their hit "Go All The Way" is on the Guardians Of The Galaxy soundtrack.. Sent him 2 photos on 14 Jul and got it back signed on 8 Aug.. [youtube7wT_NpsYdes[/youtube Mr James Bonfanti 7560 Hawk Ave. Mentor, OH 44060

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