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Jimi Mistryの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Jimi Mistry Q+A success ( Coronation Street) - 2015年1月2日
I sent a letter asking some questions to Jimi as well as to 4 other cast members in one envelope on: 30th July 2014, and last Saturday I recieved my Q+A back answered, plus he included a signed photo too. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, ITV, Trafford Wharf Road, Stretford, Manchester M17 1AU Here are the pics:

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Jimi Mistry (Cornation Street-Kal Nazir) - 2014年5月28日
Date Sent: May 22nd, 2014 Date Received: May 28th, 2014 Sent LOR and SASE to: Jimi Mistry c/o Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford MANCHESTER M17 1AU England Received 6x4 colour "Coronation Street" promo photocard signed. Thank you very much Jimi. Here is the link to the photo/envelope. JIMI MISTRY CORONATION STREET AUTOGRAPH/ENVELOPE: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Jimi Mistry success ( Coronation Street) - 2014年5月17日
I sent a letter and SAE to Jimi on: 22nd November 2013, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo back. <img src= address I used was: Jimi Mistry, c/o Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA ADDRESS NOT VALID ANYMORE, AS THEY HAVE MOVED TO SALFORD!! Here is the pic: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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