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Jimmy Buffetの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Jimmy Buffett RTS - 2019年5月13日
I wrote to Mr. Buffett on 04/27/2019 and my envelope was returned on 05/12/2019 Jimmy Buffett 424-A Fleming St. Key West, FL 33040 Onto the next address on my list

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Jimmy Buffett RTS - 2019年4月27日
I wrote to Mr. Buffett on 03/27/2019 and my envelope was returned on 04/27/2019 Margaritaville P.O. Box 1459 Key West, FL 33041

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Jimmy Buffett - 2015年8月15日
This just to let everyone know I sent 2 emails for Jimmy Buffett at the Margaretville email address and was very disappointed that I did not get a answer to either one. My husband who suffers from Lou Gehrig's Disease, really wanted to see his concert and we never got a reply. Not very happy at this point. :

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Jimmy Buffett Failure - 2015年2月24日
Sent: LOR, SASE, and "Jimmy Buffett Christmas Island" CD cover to Jimmy Buffett right before Christmas. Received: CD cover back unsigned in my SASE, today; February 23, 2015. Address used: Jimmy Buffett c/o Margaritaville Inc 424-A Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 Photo(CD cover and envelope): http://surfmypictures.com/image/a71187c ... zwl5l.html Thanks, YankeeFan123 <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> <img src=

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Jimmy Buffett - FAILURE - 2012年7月5日
I took some pictures of Jimmy at his concert in The Woodlands on June 4th. Two of them were amazing, so I had them enlarged and mailed to Jimmy on June 6th for autograph. I was hoping to get them back for my Margaritaville Birthday Party on July 3rd. I did received them on July 3rd in my return envelope but they were not signed and there was no note. I mailed to the address in Key West with a SESA and a nice note. Oh well - worth a try - just wish they had included an explanation!!

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