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Jimmy Carterの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 19ページ):

Jimmy Carter Failure - 2015年8月10日
Sent: 2 custom index cards, LOR, SASE (Early May) Recieved: SASE, 2 index cards- unsigned, note stating that these items cannot be signed (Aug 10) http://surfmypictures.com/image/53337a5 ... k84gy.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/53337a5 ... 520si.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/53337a5 ... miurr.html

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Jimmy Carter Success! - 2015年7月21日
Address: The Carter Center One Copenhill 453 Freedom Parkway Atlanta GA 30307 USA Sent: May 2015 Received: June 2015 Sadly, I do not have envelope. Admin, don't put in other sections please! Link to photo - http://surfmypictures.com/image/ac28f97 ... q1ftn.html

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Jimmy Carter success - 2015年7月20日
My daughter sent letter picture and SASE on 6-13-15. Returned signed on 7-20-15. Address used: C/o the carter center One copenhill 453 freedom parkway Atlanta, GA 30307

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Jimmy Carter Success - 2015年6月22日
I sent a LOR and a SASE I mailed on May 19 and received Jun 22. Used the address in the database ###s://flic.kr/p/u6V9EQ SC06250 by ###s://www.flickr.com/photos/102571865 at N06/:Carol Jacob, on Flickr

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Jimmy Carter Success - 2015年6月12日
(2) 8×10s Jimmy Carter ========================================================== sent 3/16/2015 received back 6/11/2015 usual address sent to I do not have the return envelope to scan. ========================================================== Happy to add a couple more from this ex President. This is the 2nd time I sent to Mr. Carter. I still want him on a baseball to go with my other Presidential signed baseballs, but Ill take a couple more signed pics to add into my collection for now.

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