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Jimmy Keyの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Jimmy Key (Blue Jays/Yankees pitcher) success - 2013年12月6日
Semt LOR and two cards on 11/22/13 and on 12/6/13 I received one back signed in blue sharpie. address used: Jimmy Key 128 Talavera Pl Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 USA

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Jimmy Key - former MLB player - success - 2013年5月28日
Sent Jimmy a lor, sase, and ROMLB to see if he would sign it for my Yankee collection. I received my ball back signed Sent: 5/18/13 Received: 5/28/13 Used the address in the database Thanks Mr. Key! -

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Jimmy Key - 2013年3月26日
Mailed: 03/01/13 Recvd: 03/26/13 Item: 1 card Jimmy Key 128 Talavera Pl. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 -

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Jimmy Key (fmr Blue Jays/Yankees hurler) - 2013年3月11日
Sent him a trading card back on 3-4-13 and got it back today, 3-11-13. Here's the addy I used: Jimmy Key 128 Talavera Pl Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

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Jimmy Key - Ex MLB Player Success - 2013年2月21日
I mailed 4 cards, letter, and SASE to Jimmy Key and received back 1 card signed along with 3 unsigned. I had a feeling that was going to happen based on other responses I saw but I am happy to get even one. Mailed - 2/13/13 Received - 2/19/13 Mailed: Jimmy Key 128 Talavera Pl Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 - Thanks Mr. Key!

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