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Jo Brandの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Comedienne JO BRAND - SUCCESS!!! - 2015年9月8日
Jo Brand has been one of my favourite alternative comediennes since I first saw her T.V show, Jo Brand Through The Cakehole, in 1993 on Channel 4. Shortly after the series ended she went on a UK stand-up tour and one of her gigs was at my home town, so my Dad and I decided to go and see her. Super funny and a night I'll never forget. 58 year old Jo is still on the stand-up scene and regularly appears on T.V. Jo was persuaded by an agent to attempt stand-up comedy and was given the stage name of "The Sea Monster". Due to her appearance - short hair, Plus Size figure, often wearing a baggy black T-shirt underneath a pair of Dungarees with Doc Martens - the media falsely labelled her a lesbian. Jo is happily married with two daughters. Prior to stand-up she'd worked as a psychiatric nurse for 10 years. She drew upon her experiences from this stage of her career while writing the comedy series, Getting On. The series was such a success that a U.S version was adapted, of which Jo was one of the Executive Producers. I sent her a 3 page A5 LOR, 1 A4 photo, 6"x4" index card, SASE. Address: (taken from Fanmail.biz) Jo Brand The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XD Sent: 03/08/2015 Received: 04/09/2015 Turnaround: 4 weeks, 4 days Received: Autographed photo, signed index card, dedicated, printed, hand signed letter in my SASE. I'm very pleased with this success, particularly because Jo took the extra time to include a letter to me. <img src=

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Jo Brand Success! - 2012年4月27日
I sent a LOR and SASE on April 7th, 2012 and I received a signed photo and a letter from her assistant today (April 27th, 2012). I used this address: Jo Brand The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XD Theres an address on the top of the letter that I think should be added to the databas Jo Brand PO Box 26980 London SE21 7WW Signed photo: - Signed photo with letter: - Signed photo with envelope: - Shes an hilarious woman so very pleased!

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Jo Brand Success!! - 2012年3月30日
Sent:7th March 2012 Recieved: 30th March 2012 Sent: Letter, questionnaire and a SSAE Recieved: Questionnaire filled in and a signed and personalised photo provided by Jo, in my envelope. Photo: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 8a5628.jpg Envelope: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 61bc34.jpg Questionnaire: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 5c62ab.jpg Sent to: Jo Brand, The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3, De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XD Really happy with this success! <img src=

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