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Joanne Froggattの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Joanne Froggatt Success X4 (Downton Abbey) - 2013年7月28日
Sent: December 2012 Received: July 27th, 2013 I sent Joanne 4 pictures (two for me and two for my mum), an SAE, and money for postage, back in December to the address in the database, and she returned all of them signed to me in my Sae today! I am super excited she is my favorite character in Downton Abbey! - -

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Joanne Froggatt Success!!! - 2012年12月4日
I sent a LOR, SSAE & 4 Photos to actress Joanne Froggatt (ex Coronation Street & Life on Mars) back on 14th July 2012 and received a reply about a month ago (Not sure on exact date got a new job and have not kept my notes upto date) she signed all 4 photos i sent address used: Joanne Froggatt C/o CONWAY VAN GELDER GRANT LTD 3rd Floor 8-12 Broadwick Street London W1F 8HW photos & Envelope - - - -

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Joanne Froggatt Outstanding Success ! - 2012年11月28日
Ive sent a letter to Joanne on early November Joanne Froggatt Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK & recieved today (28 November) my 2 photos signed & personalised + an amazing letter from her manager, especially the first sentence. (Im student in Fine Arts University & do lot of mailart, especially watercolour painting on enveloppes, & she totally enjoyed it so Im very happy) - -

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Laura Carmichael, Maggie Smith, Joanne Froggatt, Jim Carter - 2012年10月25日
sent: last week (LOR, SASE) recived: today (4 photos&letter) adres used VV Downton Abbey: Downton Abbey Ealing Studios Ealing Green London W5 5EP (United Kingdom) I love this serie is so emotional and awesome. Costumes, caracters, story, music are absolutely fantastic. I love the whole crew so I didnt send my letter for concret person. I wrote what i think about DA, how much I admire this producion. Teh sent me 4 photos <img src= -

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