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Joe Exoticの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Joe Exotic RTS - 2020年10月16日
Sent Sept 19, 2020 Received Oct 16, 2020 My photos for Joe to sign were returned by prison as they weren't allowed. Joseph Maldonado-Passage Register Number: 26154-017 FMC Fort Worth Federal Medical Center P.O. Box 15330 Fort Worth, TX 76119 http://surfmypictures.com/image/6bc7c65aa94732b3/yjcro.html

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Joe Exotic Joseph Allen Maldonado-Passage - 2020年8月21日
After trying 2 times I am happy to say I finally got a response. I used the address listed here- Request was mailed on 8-4-20 and received 8-21-20 http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/q2edx.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Joe Exotic (Tiger King) Weird Fail/ Soon to be Success? - 2020年7月21日
I wrote Joe in prison about a two months ago, maybe three. Today I got a letter telling me that the prison rejected my letter because there was return postage but when i messaged his media company, that's what they told me to do! I also got a letter that said Joe responds to every fan letter himself and that he sent the company all the mail so they can have it re-organized so that he can write me back? I don't know, hopefully i'll get something back. Address Used: Joseph Maldonado-Passage Register Number: tel: 26154-017 3150 Horton Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76119

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Tiger King Joe Exotic Success - 2020年4月12日
I wrote Joe in prison and he actually wrote back after I sent him $250.00 Anyone ever write someone famous in prison?

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