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John Fitzgeraldの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

John Fitzgerald Success!!!! - 2023年4月11日
I sent a trading card to John Fitzgerald at 408 Arborcrest Dr, Richardson, TX 75080-2606, USA, on 3/10/23 and received it back on 3/26/23. i got it back signed, and Mr. Fitzgerald also wrote back on the letter I signed with a handwritten note.

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NFL John Fitzgerald Success - 2023年3月5日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 3 TCs to: John Fitzgerald 408 Arborcrest Dr Richardson, TX 75080 Sent: 2/25/23 Received: 3/5/23 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a398c015acc246fd/e185a.html

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John Fitzgerald - Dallas Cowboys - Success! - 2020年9月8日
Sent 2 trading cards on 8/17/2020 to: John Fitzgerald 408 Arborcrest Dr Richardson, TX 75080-2606 Received the cards signed on 8/31/2020 http://surfmypictures.com/image/bcdde3f14db2fb48/mapjg.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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John Fitzgerald American Football - 2017年8月21日
John Robert Fitzgerald (born April 16, 1948) is a former American football center in the National Football League for the Dallas Cowboys from 1971 to 1980, including four Super Bowls. He played college football at Boston College and was drafted in the fourth round of the 1970 NFL Draft. 2× Super Bowl champion (VI, XII) Sent him 2 photos and a card on 3 Aug and got everything back signed on 21 Aug. Mr John Fitzgerald 408 Arborcrest Dr Richardson, TX 75080

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