John Grunsfeldの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Astronaut John Grunsfeld Updated Address - 2022年2月23日 Using this updated address;
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Mail Code 3J22 Washington, CD 20546-0001
Sent 1-15-22 Recd 2-23-22 Recd signed photo |
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John Grunsfeld Shuttle Astronaut - 2016年6月6日 John Mace Grunsfeld (born October 10, 1958) is an American physicist and a former NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of five Space Shuttle flights and has served as NASA Chief Scientist. His academic background includes research in high energy astrophysics, cosmic ray physics and the emerging field of exoplanet studies with specific interest in future astronomical instrumentation. After retiring from NASA in 2009, he served as the Deputy Director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. In January 2012, he returned to NASA and served as associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD). Grunsfeld announced his retirement from NASA in April 2016.
Grunsfeld has logged over 58 days in space, including eight space walks totaling 58 hours and 30 minutes.
Sent him 2 photos on 16 July 2015 and got both back signed on 6 Jun '16.
Sent to:
Mr John Grunsfeld
PO Box 279
Highland, MD 20777
Address on return envelope from NASA
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Mail Code 3J22
Washington, CD 20546-0001 |
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Shuttle-Astronaut John Grunsfeld GREAT SUCCESS - 2015年7月13日 today i've got a nice success. i've got an beautiful autograph from the former shuttle-astronaut John M. Grunsfeld.
here you can find information about this great guy:
here is a photo without the envelope: ... 9izoc.html
this is a photo with the envelope (original by the nasa): ... qbver.html
because Mr. Grunsfeld works at the NASA you can use the address from the database of fanmail. |   |
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Astronaut John Grunsfeld success! - 2015年6月16日 I've been trying to get autos from some of the Shuttle crew from the Hubble missions, I had gotten the standard NASA autopens before from John and two others and have been searching for better contact addresses to try for personalised autos. I found a brilliant Yahoo group called Astroaddies, joined that and found a very specific address for John. I gave it a try on the 9th May 2015, enclosing an LOR, 2 photos and a US stamped SAE. To my delight, on the 11th June 2015, I received a yellow NASA envelope in which were the two photos, both signed and personalised. Very happy! Thanks John and Juergen from Astroaddies!
address used :
Dr. John Mace Grunsfeld, (Group 14, STS-67, -81, -103, -109, -125)
Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate (SMD)
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001
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