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John Ratzenbergerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

John Ratzenberger success! - 2018年1月20日
Sent: LoR, picture to be signed, SASE on August 4th, 2017 Received: Picture signed on December 30th, 2017!! Address (in database) used: John Ratzenberger 268 Broadway Milford, CT 06460-5824 Though I sent it to the address in the database, it was apparently forwarded to California, judging by the postmark. I am thrilled that I received this but am not sure if it's real or not. With almost every other autograph of his, he does a loop (cursive) for the J, not normal one in print. I found only one example that shows a matching (but not too perfect, which would mean it's an autopen) autograph. Feel free to tell your opinion, but please be polite! Some of you will likely say it's "obviously" fake and that you'd chuck it in the trash right away, giving me "advice" to do the same, and though I appreciate your opinion, you can't persuade me to do what you want me to with my autograph. Except for the J, the rest looks real--you never know; celebrities might change their minds about signatures now and then, but the rest matches his autograph. I am thrilled with this--this is my 56th success of the year! Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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John Ratzenberger success - 2016年10月1日
John Ratzenberger success Sent : 02/09/16 Received : 01/10/16 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mr.John Ratzenberger John Ratzenberger 268 Broadway Milford, CT 06460-5824 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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John Ratzenberger Success - 2016年7月18日
7/18/16 received SASE / Star Wars CCG Card autographed. It took a couple months. I used the Milford, CT address others have posted. As it is a residential address, I won't post it per admin. Thank you John and Fanmail.biz!

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John Ratzenberger success - 2016年4月11日
Sent LOR, SASE, 8x10 collage photo, and a Toy Story 3 DVD cover on 3/16/16 to this address: Address Removed I got the address from a different site. Received My 8x10 and DVD cover back signed. P.S. The DVD cover was already signed by Tim Allen and Don Rickles.

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John Ratzenberger - Success - 2016年4月11日
Address Removed Sent early January received back 4/11/16 (2) 8x10s He included the requested Character name inscriptions.......

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