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John Romitaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

John Romita Sr. Success - 2014年10月24日
I sent a Comic Book in a SASE to John Romita The Hero Initiative 11301 Olympic Blvd Suite 587 Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA About 3 months later I got it back signed. But he sent it back with a note that I had to send him $20 because he doesn't do it he does it for a company called The Hero Initiative so he has to get paid

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John Romita Sr. Success, with some bad luck - 2013年6月27日
I sent a picture, LoR, and return postage in a SAE to John Romita Sr., using the address in the database on May 14th. I received it on June 27th. He was gracious enough to sign the picture, but unfortunately the envelope that the picture was in somehow got rain damaged on the way there. Fortunately, I was able to salvage it, and will be placing the signature on some presentation matte. This is what I received. - This is the salvaged piece. -

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John Romita (spiderman artist) Success! - 2013年3月1日
I sent LOR and SASE to John Romita Sr. Used the address in database. He signed two cards, and drew quick spidey face. Thanks John and Fanmail.biz! -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Mlb Jimmy Herget Fail / Rts
Anthony Michael Hall Actor
Angela Bassett
Nicolas Cage... Success? Feedback Appreciated
Rhys Ifans Very Fast Success
Cindy Robbins Actress (Cynthia Chenault)
Josh Mostel Success
Sean Bean Success
Mlb Kendall Graveman Fail / Rts
Krist Novoselic



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